Month of Contemporary Music

Once again this year, the Month of Contemporary Music (28.8.-30.9.2024) presented the diversity of Berlin's contemporary music scene.
The Month of Contemporary Music is organized by the scene itself: Ensembles, festivals and artists' are invited to participate in the program with events. The inm / field notes takes care of cross-festival communication. Through the common framework of the Month of Contemporary Music, the broad spectrum of activities of the Berlin scene can be represented and communicated to a wider public.

Monat der zeitgenössischen Musik 2024

Eine Klangperformance mit einer Person draussen im Hof der Akademie der Künste, die Person trägt Badeanzug und eine Maske und spielt ein Instrument

Opening of the Month of Contemporary Music 2024

Everyone can take part, everyone is welcome. This principle is important to us in covering the broad spectrum of positions. But


Open Call: Participation in the Month of Contemporary Music 2024

The Month of Contemporary Music is curated by the scene itself: ensembles, festivals, venues and artists are invited to contribute events to the program.

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Please, feel free to contact the field notes team at any time if you have any questions or suggestions about the Month of Contemporary Music.

Vergangene Ausgaben

Grafik zum Monat der zeitgenössischen Musik 2023

Past Editions

Every year in September, the Month of Contemporary Music presents the diversity of contemporary music in Berlin. The Month of Contemporary Music is currently in its eighth edition. Here you find a review of the past editions since 2021.