Decentralizing Desire

  • Echtzeitmusik
  • Improvisierte Musik
  • Elektronische / Elektroakustische Musik
  • Konzertreihe

collective dreaming

Mi., 30.10.2024, 18:00 - 20:00 | Spandauer Arkaden - Stadttheater Spandau

Ein rot angeleuchtetes Gesicht verschwimmt in einem See von Informationen, Zeichen, Farben, Bildschirmen.
© Jiawen Wang

Decentralizing Desire #3

Exploring the outskirts of Berlin, Decentralizing Desire is happening for the third time in the surreal setting of a former clothers shop at the Spandau Arcaden shopping mall.

Just as gods of all countries coexisted syncretically in the Roman Pantheon in an immense “digest”, so all the gods - our demons - of consumption have come together in our Super Shopping Centre, which is our Pantheon - or Pandaemonium. In other words, all activities, labour, conflicts and seasons have been united and abolished in the same abstraction. The substance of life unified in this way, in this universal digest, can no longer have any meaning: what constituted the dreamwork, the labour of poetry and of meaning – in other words, the grand schemata of displacement and condensation, the great figures of metaphor and contradiction, which are based on the living interconnection of distinct elements - is no longer possible. The eternal substitution of homogeneous elements now reigns unchallenged. There is no longer any symbolic function, but merely an eternal combinatory of “ambience” in a perpetual springtime.

Baudrillard, The Consumer Society

This time Decentralizing Desire will take the form of a writing workshop with the focus of exploring the Spandau Arcaden shopping mall. How does the interior of the mall speak to us? What shape does our curiosity take in a shopping centre? Can there be another way of inhabiting a mall than submitting to its logic? We will go on a small “field trip” to the mall, take notes and bring back our impressions to share with each other. The workshop is an invitation to explore and reveal what is happening beneath the surface of polished facades, taking some time to notice the movements, rhythms, colours, smells, light around us, and noticing where they lead our thoughts and if they summon memories.

Part of the workshop is centred around writing, and another part will focus on sound recording (you just need your phone, or if you can bring another recording device you prefer you are very welcome).

The workshop will flow into a sound installation shaped by everyone who wants to participate by adding their field recording!


Decentralizing Desire #3

    Marta Talvet
    Petros & Thanos


  • Spandauer Arkaden - Stadttheater Spandau
  • Am Forstacker 23
  • 13587 Berlin, Spandau
  • Mi., 30.10.2024, 18:00 - 20:00
  • Pause:
  • Workshop & Installative performance
  • auf Spendenbasis