F.S. Blumm Trio / Marla Hansen & Band

  • Improvisierte Musik

amSTARt presents

Thu, 30.05.2024, 19:00 - 22:00 | Jugend[widerstands]museum Galiläakirche

© https://galilaea-kirche.de

Double Record Release Show

Guitar alchemist and radioplay writer F.S. Blumm in a trio with cellist Anne Müller (Nils Frahm, Victoria Soundtrack) and Echtzeit clarinetist Michael Thieke.

Marla Hansen made a name for herself as violinist for Ravi Coltrane, Sufjan Stevens, The National, My Brightest Diamond. Now she presents her new album with band and The Notwist drummer Andi Haberl.

Program Teil 1

F.S. Blumm Trio

  • F.S. Blumm | guitar
  • Anne Müller | cello
  • Michael Thieke | clarinet

Program Teil 2

Marla Hansen & Band

  • Marla Hansen | viola, violin, guitar, voice
  • Isabelle Klemt | cello
  • Mark Pringle | bass
  • Andi Haberl | drums, electronics


  • Thu, 30.05.2024, 19:00 - 22:00
  • Break:

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