Kompolize: Internationaler Kompositionswettbewerb

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Konzert

in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Lietzeorchester Berlin

Fri, 01.03.2024, 20:00 - 22:00

Lietzeorchester Berlin
© Michaela Krause

Kompolize offers contemporary composers the opportunity to present their works to a broad audience and to gain experience working with a large symphony orchestra. It also enables musicians of the Lietzeorchester to take part in shaping the contemporary music scene and to contribute to Berlin’s cultural diversity.

Program Teil 1

Lietzeorchester Berlin

    Ayala Asherov »Sounds Without Words: A Musical Poetic Triptych« Accompanied with verses from the poem Something about language fails us by Joshua Sobol 2023/UA
  • Hanno Bachus | Leitung

Program Teil 2

Lietzeorchester Berlin

    Gisbert Näther »Der unendliche Traum – Prolog für Orchester« 1995
  • Martina Langer | Leitung

Program Teil 3

Lietzeorchester Berlin

    Dmitri Schostakowitsch »Sinfonie Nr. 10 e-Moll op. 93« 1953
  • Hanno Bachus | Leitung


  • Fri, 01.03.2024, 20:00 - 22:00
  • Break: 15 Minuten
  • Eintritt frei

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