T.A.T.V. #6 Temporary Autonomous Tele Vision

  • Improvisierte Musik
  • Elektronische / Elektroakustische Musik
  • Klangkunst / Sound Art
  • Konferenz / Symposium

Festival für experimentelle Musik

Fri, 12.07.2024, 14:00 - 23:59 | Museum Kesselhaus Herzberge

Temporary Autonomous Tele Vision - Festival at Museum Kesselhaus Herzberge
© Mariana Hoyos

“When the crisis of human relationships shattered the unitary web of mythical communication, the attack on language took on a revolutionary air.”
Raoul Vaneigem

Leaving format dogmas and time constraints behind T.A.T.V. is an autonomous zone to test drive a micro republic of experimental performance practices, a T.V. station touching its limits of control.
Temporary Autonomous Television (T.A.T.V.) is a 24h constant stream. Rendering absurd profitableness and commodification of art as an easy consumable product in our optimized lifestyles is one of the objectives of this undertaking.


Digital event hybrid
Event link: https://ttaattvv.xyz/
  • Fri, 12.07.2024, 14:00 - 23:59
  • Break:
  • The festival might be expanded till sunday, please check website.

Contact and funding

gefördert im Rahmen des Projektes Zusammenkünste Museum Kesselhaus Herzberge