
  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Transtraditionelle Musik
  • Konzert

+ Konzertstudie

Thu, 11.07.2024, 19:00 - 20:30 | Martin Luther Kirche

Geneviève Strosser
© Florian Kleineffen

The Con-Trust concert series invites you to a special musical experience that focuses on the connection between repertoire music and new music. Under the motto 'with trust' ("con" + "trust"), new musical approaches are opened up beyond the familiar. The exceptional artist Geneviève Strosser will take us on a journey through contrasting musical worlds, presenting solo pieces for viola dedicated to her by Georges Aperghis as well as J.S. Bach's Partita No. 2. With her virtuosity, Strosser demonstrates the versatility of the viola and invites the audience to discover new musical horizons. As part of the 5th Con-Trust, a study of the concert experience will be conducted in collaboration with the Department of Audio Communication at the Technical University of Berlin.


    Georges Aperghis »Uhrwerk« 2013
    Georges Aperghis »Zig Bang« (Ausschnitte) 2004
    Georges Aperghis »Volte-Face« 2001
    J.S. Bach »Partita für Violine solo Nr. 2 d-moll BWV 1004« Bearbeitung für Viola 1720
  • Geneviève Strosser | Viola Solo


Digital event hybrid
Event link:
  • Martin Luther Kirche
  • Fuldastraße 50 - 51
  • 12045 Berlin, Neukölln
  • Thu, 11.07.2024, 19:00 - 20:30
  • Break: 20 Minuten
  • Spende erwünscht

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