Ensemble Modern I

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Konzert

Musikfest Berlin 2024

Fri, 13.09.2024, 20:00 - 23:00 | Philharmonie, Kammermusiksaal

The orchestra in front of a steel sculpture
© Wonge Bergmann

The composer Ruth Crawford Seeger was not only part of the ultramodernist movement that sought to investigate the possibilities of music beyond European traditions, she was also a researcher into the folkloric music of the USA and influenced by the Theosophists. A woman of her time, the fast-moving inter-war years, and yet so far ahead of them – Musikfest Berlin and Ensemble Modern dedicates a three-part concert portrait to her that enables her musical world to enter a dialogue with contemporaries and present-day composers.


Ensemble Modern

    Katherine Balch »Waste Knot« 2021/22
    Johanna Magdalena Beyer »Music of the Spheres« 1938
    Ruth Crawford Seeger »Five Songs« 1929
    Ruth Crawford Seeger »Three Songs« 1930–1932
    Ruth Crawford Seeger »Two Ricercare« 1932
    Ruth Crawford Seeger »The Adventures of Tom Thumb« 1925
    Tania León »Tau« 1995
    Tania León »Singin' Sepia« 1996
  • David Niemann | Leitung
  • Paul Jeukendrup | Klangregie
  • Nina Guo | Sopran (Balch)
  • Keren Motseri | Sopran (León)


  • Fri, 13.09.2024, 20:00 - 23:00
  • Break:
  • 10–35€
  • Buy tickets online
  • Contact ticket pre-order: +49 30 254 89 100; ticketinfo@berlinerfestspiele.de

Contact and funding

Eine Veranstaltung der Berliner Festspiele / Musikfest Berlin
Gefördert aus Mitteln des Hauptstadtkulturfonds