Franz Kafka – ein musikalisch-literarischer Abend

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Konzert

Mit Michael Kumpfmüller, Alice Lackner und dem Zafraan Ensemble

Thu, 12.09.2024, 19:00 - 21:00 | Schwartzsche Villa

Ensemble picture
© Anton Tal

Franz Kafka spent almost a year in what is now the district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf - and lived in Grunewaldstraße, one could almost say opposite the Schwartz Villa. To mark the occasion, Michael Kumpfmüller will be reading from his novel "The Splendour of Life", which sheds a bright, almost cheerful light on the famous poet and his time in that very place. Kumpfmüller lovingly portrays a man who finds great love in his last year and takes his life into his own hands before it is too late. This is juxtaposed with two settings of Kafka's texts that could hardly be more different: On the one hand, two songs by close Kafka confidant Max Brod and on the other - fifty years later - Ruth Zechlin's "Early Kafka Texts" for medium voice and five instrumentalists. While Brod's songs attempt to show "ways of hope and ways of redemption", much like Kumpfmüller's novel emphasises lightness, Ruth Zechlin's highly complex sound world congenially complements the charm of the absurd in Kafka's early texts. Alice Lackner and the Zafraan Ensemble rediscover Zechlin's work as a spatial composition in the atrium of the Schwartzsche Villa.


Zafraan Ensemble

    Ruth Zechlin »Frühe Kafka-Texte« 1990
  • Liam Mallett | Flöte
  • Miguel Pérez Iñesta | Klarinette
  • Juan Pechuan | Oboe
  • Alice Dixon | Cello
  • Minhye Ko | Perkussion
  • Alice Lackner | Gesang


  • Thu, 12.09.2024, 19:00 - 21:00
  • Break: ja