Hyperlinear Synthesis and Composition Workshop

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Elektronische / Elektroakustische Musik
  • Klangkunst / Sound Art
  • Workshop

Tue, 09.07.2024, 10:00 - Thu, 01.08.2024, 17:00

© Hyperlinear

The synthesis and composition workshop is designed to reflect the tools and methods of sound synthesis, electronic music composition, and performance in the context of our student’s artistic work and contemporary developments in music, art, and media technology. Each session comprises a three-hour synthesis workshop and a three-hour composition workshop. Individual mentoring sessions are part of the workshop to meet all students’ individual needs and questions. Attendees will analyze and enhance their technical setup, workflows, and aesthetic methodologies in exchange with the tutors and each other for a comprehensive reflection of their work and a profound contextualization of the workshop material to their practices. The workshop is suitable for artists and researchers with intermediate to established practice in sound and electronic music, musicians / composers who intend to extend their repertoire into the electronic / electro-acoustic and computer-aided domain, prospective and alumni students of related academic courses, sound designers for film and media, sound artists and performance artists with any level of experience.

Morning Sessions: Synthesis Workshop with Benjamin Flesser
- WSS1: Studio & Stage Basics for Electronic Music
- WSS2: Machine Communication
- WSS3: Algorithmic Sequencing
- WSS4: Audio Reactive Patches (Stochastic/Probabilistic/Chaotic Systems)
- WSS5: Synthesizer Architectures & Advanced Signal Flow
- WSS6: Continuum1 - Modulation Synthesis (Ring, AM, FM)
- WSS7: Continuum2 - Wavetable Synthesis & Sampling
- WSS8: Continuum3 - Granular & Spectral Synthesis

Afternoon Sessions: Composition Workshop with Gabriel Francisco Lemos
- WSC1: Finding Semiotic Oppositions & Developing Self-Reflection Vocabulary
- WSC2: Complex Music from Simple Means
- WSC3: Algorithmic Thinking & Rule Strategies before Digital Computers
- WSC4: Structuring a Morphology of Sounds
- WSC5: Composing Systems & Structuring Rules
- WSC6: Computational Models for Time & Frequency Domain
- WSC7: Incorporating Referential Sounds, Recordings, Sound Events, & Loops
- WSC8: Expanding Morphological Methods from Particles to Masses

- Deep dive into audio synthesis & signal flow
- Optimize your setup
- Master compositional techniques
- Reflect on applied aesthetics & technologies
- 1 hour private mentoring with one of the tutors

- Sign-up until June 22nd: 1000€
- Sign-up between June 22nd and July 5th: 1150€

About Hyperlinear:
A Berlin-based platform offering sound-related workshops, mentoring, instrument design, sound design, and events, both on-site and online.


  • Tue, 09.07.2024, 10:00 - Thu, 01.08.2024, 17:00
  • Break:
  • Dates: July 9th - August 1st, 2014
    Sessions twice a week
    Duration: 8 Sessions, 6hrs each (1hr lunch break)
    Location: Berlin, Wedding

Contact and funding