John Butcher Berlin Residency – day 1

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Echtzeitmusik
  • Improvisierte Musik
  • Klangkunst / Sound Art
  • Festival

Thu, 12.09.2024, 20:00 - 23:00 | KM28

John Butcher
© Dawid Laskowski

The three-day festival entitled »John Butcher Berlin Residency« will take place from September 12 to 14 at the renowned KM28. With the participation of top-class international musicians, this residency presents new encounters and established formations. The program spans several generations and scenes - from (free) jazz and sound art to new music.

Program Teil 1

Magda Mayas & John Butcher

  • Magda Mayas | Piano
  • John Butcher | Saxophon

Program Teil 2

The Contest of Pleasures

  • John Butcher | Saxophon
  • Axel Dörner | Trompete
  • Xavier Charles | Klarinette

Program Teil 3

Tony Buck & John Butcher

  • Tony Buck | Drums
  • John Butcher | Saxophon

Program Teil 4

Liz Allbee, Emilio Gordoa & John Butcher

  • Liz Allbee | Trompete
  • Emilio Gordoa | Vibraphon, Percussion
  • John Butcher | Saxophon

Program Teil 5

Angharad Davies & John Butcher

  • Angharad Davies | Violine
  • John Butcher | Saxophon

Program Teil 6

Andrea Neumann, Burkhard Beins, Werner Dafeldecker & John Butcher

  • Andrea Neumann | Klavier, Electronics
  • Burkhard Beins | Percussion
  • Werner Dafeldecker | Bass, Electronics
  • John Butcher | Saxophon


  • Thu, 12.09.2024, 20:00 - 23:00
  • Break: jeweils 15 Minuten
  • doors: 8pm, start: 8:30 pm

Contact and funding