Lulu: Revanche im Zirkuszelt

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Echtzeitmusik
  • Musiktheater / Oper
  • Elektronische / Elektroakustische Musik
  • Performance

Musiktheater mit glanz&krawall

Tue, 03.09.2024, 20:00 - Fri, 06.09.2024, 22:00 | CABUWAZI Tempelhof - Der Kulturflughafen

Lisa Heinrici, Marieke Wikesjo, Nolundi Tschudi
© Peter van Heesen

Ouch! Men's theories about »the nature of women« have characterised Western art and intellectual history for centuries and have reliably contributed to maintaining patriarchy, the binary gender order and other nonsense as systems of power. The musical theatre combo glanz&krawall is therefore launching a bitter revenge at Circus CABUWAZI on Tempelhofer Feld. The protagonist from Albern Berg's opera fragment and Frank Wedekind's dramas »Erdgeist« and »Pandora's Box« Lulu - presented as a dangerous snake by the animal tamer in the opening monologue - now occupies the ring and presents her grotesque, anti-patriarchal circus show. Here, twelve-tone music meets electro-punk, popcorn meets high culture, opera meets circus: LULU: Revanche im Zirkuszelt revises the male fantasies inscribed in the originals, turns the bottom up and exposes the socio-critical aspect of Wedekind's Lulu dramas - the rigid and violent behaviour of the types and pouts.

The intervention squad consists of actress Lisa Heinrici, soprano Marieke Wikesjo and musician and performer Nolundi Tschudi. Together they expand the performance horizon of musical theatre with the means of circus in order to be able to sing things, show connections and symbolise the unconscious, for which no tools are yet available in the performance forms of the conventional theatre and opera apparatus. Grouped around synthesizer, bass guitar and drum machine, the female trio creates a synthesis of opera, spoken theatre and electro punk. The Lulu accomplices unrestrainedly twist motifs and scraps from Berg and Wedekind, silent film pope Pabst to the Lulu album by US bards Lou Reed and Metallic!Against the beautiful dying, the same old femme fatale attributions and the narrowness of a male-dominated (art) world.



  • Lisa Heinrici | Schauspiel
  • Marieke Wikesjo | Sopranistin
  • Nolundi Tschudi | Musikerin und Performerin


  • CABUWAZI Tempelhof - Der Kulturflughafen
  • Columbiadamm 84
  • 10965 Berlin, Tempelhof-Schöneberg
  • Tue, 03.09.2024, 20:00 - Fri, 06.09.2024, 22:00
  • Break:
  • Vorverkauf: 20 € / erm. 13 € (inkl. VVK-Gebühren) Abenkasse: 22 € / erm. 15 €
  • Buy tickets online
  • Contact ticket pre-order: Tickets bei rausgegangen ab 27.5.24

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Gefördert durch den Hauptstadtkulturfonds