Rumpeln #5

  • Elektronische / Elektroakustische Musik

Mizuki Ishikawa, Stefan Roigk

Sat, 28.09.2024, 18:00 - 23:00 | Studio 764

Mizuki Ishikawa
© Mizuki Ishikawa

Fifth edition of the event series »Rumpeln« at Studio 764 of Atelierhaus Adlershof Berlin, with fingerfood, liquid drinks and sound performances by:

Mizuki Ishikawa
Mizuki Ishikawa is a sound artist based in Berlin. When improvising with objects and DIY electronics Mizuki manipulates the acoustic environment of a space with feedbacks and everyday tools, while at the same time examining the conditions of the performance by employing simple gestures and ordinary activities.

Stefan Roigk
Sound artist Stefan Roigk (Berlin) deals with the intermedial interweaving of electro-acoustic music, installation, musical graphics and text-sound composition. The »Geräusch« as an artistic-aesthetic field of research is the starting point as well as the central medium of his work.

»Rumpeln« is a series of concerts and events at Atelierhaus Adlershof Berlin that provides a ground-level stage for contrasting voices in the sounding arts. Organized by the netlabel Klappkart.

Program Teil 1

Mizuki Ishikawa

  • | Objekte, Elektronik

Program Teil 2

Stefan Roigk

  • | Alltagsgegenstände, Stimme, Mikrofon und Computer


  • Sat, 28.09.2024, 18:00 - 23:00
  • Break:
  • Eintritt frei. Um Spende wird gebeten.

Contact and funding