Trio Hesamizadeh | Hoppe | Flick

  • Echtzeitmusik
  • Improvisierte Musik
  • Transtraditionelle Musik
  • Konzert

Mon, 02.09.2024, 20:30 - 22:30 | Spektral-Raumohr

Analog sepia-colored photograph in which the tips of a group of trees are depicted in front of a jagged abstract surface, tracing the course of the upper edge of the surface
© Mehdi Hesamizadeh

Improvising, this new trio explores the sound worlds that open up from the meeting of diverse musical fields, such as Mehdi Hesamizadeh's immersion in folkloristic microtonal music and the early music of the Middle East, Birgitta Flick's interest in old Swedish chorales and Lisa Hoppe's and Birgitta Flick's jazz background.


Hesamizadeh | Hoppe | Flick

    — improvised music —
  • Mehdi Hesamizadeh | Viola
  • Lisa Hoppe | Kontrabass
  • Birgitta Flick | Tenorsaxophon


  • Mon, 02.09.2024, 20:30 - 22:30
  • Break: ja
  • Eintritt auf Spendenbasis (empfohlen/recommended: 10 € minimum)