Anima Mundi #5 – Eröffnung und Konzert-Performance

  • Echtzeitmusik
  • Elektronische / Elektroakustische Musik
  • Klangkunst / Sound Art
  • Konzertreihe

Umweltbeziehungen durch Klangkunst, co-initiiert von Errant Sound und Liebig12

Thu, 12.09.2024, 19:30 - 22:00 | Kunstraum Liebig12

Photo: Sleepertown, OpenGorey 2023
© OpenGorey 2023

The fifth edition of the European exchange project »ANIMA MUNDI – environmental relationships through Sound Art", co-initiated by Errant Sound and Liebig12, opens on 12 September 2024. It will take place in Berlin, at various locations in Brandenburg as well as in Poland until 4 November. It will feature concert evenings and audio walks by sound artists and musicians from Germany, Ireland and Poland, who will explore various environmental relationships, landscape changes and questions of sustainability. There will be guided tours of the audio walks at the weekends. Other project partners: Farpoint Recordings, OpenGorey (Ireland), Miejski Osrodek Sztuki (Poland). »ANIMA MUNDI #5« is part of Zeitgeist Ireland 24, an initiative of Culture Ireland and the Embassy of Ireland in Germany.


    Joseph Young »Listening to the Wind« In his sonic baton-performance, sound artist Joseph Young brings field recordings from a remote part in the West of Ireland to the Berlin audience. 2024
  • Joseph Young | Field Recordings, Voice


  • Thu, 12.09.2024, 19:30 - 22:00
  • Break:
  • Doors open at 7.30 pm, the opening reception starts at 8 pm with the curators and representatives of the Embassy of Ireland in Germany as well as of Musikfonds. At 8.30 pm there will be a sound performance by Joseph Young.
  • 0 €

Contact and funding

Gefördert vom Musikfonds/ der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, der Stiftung für Deutsch-Polnische Zusammenarbeit sowie von Zeitgeist Irland 24, einer Initiative von Culture Ireland und der Irischen Botschaft in Deutschland.