Au Topsi Pohl

Au Topsi Pohl

Au Topsi Pohl steht für alle kulturellen Inhalte in der Bar Isotop in Berlin-Tiergarten/Schöneberg.

Eintauchen in Live-Musik und Performances von hoher künstlerischer Qualität und diese über mehrere Abende verfolgen – dazu bietet Au Topsi Pohl sowohl Künstler*innen als auch Publikum Raum und Zeit.

Immer dabei sind die Spitzen Spirits aus Friaul/Italien und wechselnde Ausstellungen.

Mehr Informationen auf der Webseite von Au Topsi Pohl.

  • Berliner Szene
  • Au Topsi Pohl

For further reading

Ensemble Adapter

Ensemble Adapter

Ensemble Adapter is an experimental music group based in Berlin. Driven by its founders Matthias Engler (percussion) and Gunnhildur Einarsdóttir (harp), it focuses on collaborative work with partners of various artistic backgrounds worldwide.

Ensemblekollektiv Berlin

Ensemblekollektiv Berlin

EnsembleKollektiv Berlin, which emerged from the long-standing collaboration of four renowned Berlin ensembles for contemporary music, presents itself in its tenth year of existence in a renewed formation that, while rooted in the founding membership, has developed into an independent and ...

Konzert im Radialsystem

CTM – Festival for Adventurous Music and Art

CTM Festival connects multi-perspective experiences, critical reflection, hedonism, and collaborative learning via a yearly festival and continuous collaborative projects, publications, commissions, concerts, club nights, and more, both locally and worldwide.



ausland is an event and production venue for music, film, literature, dance and performance and sound installations.

ACUD Club zeitgenössische Musik Berlin


ACUD CLUB is the music venue at the art center ACUD in Berlin Mitte, and is part of the cultural association ACUD MACHT NEU e.V.