Cluster #26

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Konzert

w/ Electric guitar Duo Santorsa - Pereyra and Experimental Film Screening

Tue, 19.09.2023, 20:30 - 22:30 | KM28

Labor Neunzehn
© Astrid Ackermann

Labor Neunzehn is pleased to invite you to the second concert of this year’s Cluster Series. In addition to the exhibition and workshop that will take place at our space, we are pleased to consolidate our collaboration with KM28 by combining six concerts and six experimental film screenings between 14 June and 6 December.

The guitar duo santorsa~pereyra, founded in Munich in 2020, defines itself as »a band of new music«.
They held concerts in Germany, Italy and Switzerland. The formation, consisting of electronic and acoustic instruments, is distinguished by a particularly characteristic,innovative sound, which clearly stands out from the sound of conventional chamber music.
The focus is on the collaboration with composers of the youngest generation, which is reflected in their wide repertoire. Both musicians are specialists in the field of contemporary music and are also very familiar with electronic music and improvisation. In their work, instead of the usual separation of production and interpretation, there is an intensive exchange between musicians and composers from the first steps. In 2020, the guitar duo santorsa~pereyra was awarded the Landeshauptstadt München (the Prize of the City of Munich) for the project so near ~ so far.

Cluster is a new-music series devoted to the investigation of sound and notation, which provides musicians and composers with an exchange area in Berlin, at the crossroad of compositional and performance practices.

Labor Neunzehn is an artist-run project engaged in a cross-disciplinary discourse on time-based-art that involves expanded cinema, modern music, publishing, and the critical reflection in media art, with a specific focus on the migration of these languages between the online and offline domains. As an independent curatorial platform and a non-profit initiative for the production of research projects, exhibitions, performances, workshops, we are committed to the presentation of collaborative outcomes and hybrid formats.

Program Teil 1

Experimental Film Screening

    Paulo ABREU »Asleep« Film 2012
    Douglass CROCKWELL »Simple Destiny Abstractions« Filom 1937-40
    Christiana PERSCHON »Ghost Copy« Film 2016
    Laura HUERTAS MILLAN »Jeny303« Film 2018
    Valentina ALVARADO MATOS »El Mar Pienó a la Orilla« Film 2019
  • Curated by Valentina Besegher | Film Courtesy of Light Cone

Program Teil 2

Duo Santorsa/Pereyra

    Achim Christian Bornhöft »Flor« für zwei Electric-Gitarren und Live-Elektronik (2022)
    Giulia Lorusso »Unspoken« für solo Electric-Gitarren (2021)
    Lisa Streich »VANILJ« Electric-Gitarren (2023)
  • Ruben Mattia Santorsa | Electric guitar
  • Adrian Pereyra | Electric guitar


  • Tue, 19.09.2023, 20:30 - 22:30
  • Break:
  • KM28 is a volunteer-run venue for contemporary concert music founded in late 2018. Located at Karl-Marx-Str. 28, 12043 Berlin.

Contact and funding

Sponsored by inm - initiative neue musik berlin e.V.