
  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Improvisierte Musik
  • Konzert

Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop und WhatWhy Art / Musikperformance in der Sammlung Hoffmann

Fri, 29.09.2023, 20:00 - 21:20 | Sammlung Hoffmann, Sophie-Gips-Höfe

© Buero BumBum

Kaleidoskop kick of their season with the music performance AILLEURS in the unique spaces of the Sammlung Hoffmann. Joined by the ensemble WhatWhyArt from Seoul/South Korea, they will enter into dialogue with the artworks of the Hoffmann Collection. The French word "ailleurs" oscillates between multiple meanings and is the content inspiration of the concert installation: pieces of music and improvisations will be played that elude a centre and a "here" and approach a spiritual, geological, poetic "elsewhere" in different ways.

Several concert stations will feature works by Ana-Maria Avram, Claude Vivier, Julius Eastman– all non-conformist artists who each developed unique sound languages outside the canon – and further works by Il-Ryun Chung and Sebastian Claren.


Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop

    Claude Vivier »Learning« 1976
    Ana-Maria Avram »Chiaroscuro« 2011
    Julius Eastman »Buddha« 1984
    Il-Ryun Chung
    Sebastian Claren
    Traditionelle Koreanische Musik
  • WhatWhy Art (Seoul/Korea)
  • Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop


  • Fri, 29.09.2023, 20:00 - 21:20
  • Break: nein
  • There will be two performances on Sept 29: at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.
    Number odf audience is very limited. Tickets are available only online.
  • 20 / 15 €
  • Buy tickets online
  • Contact ticket pre-order: