Embrace: 30 Jahre Polwechsel | Tag 2

  • Neue Musik / Komponierte Musik
  • Echtzeitmusik
  • Improvisierte Musik
  • Elektronische / Elektroakustische Musik
  • Konzert

Improvisation International

Sat, 09.12.2023, 20:00 - 22:30 | exploratorium berlin

© Archiv Polwechsel

On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, the Composer-Performer Ensemble Polwechsel presents current compositions by its four members Burkhard Beins, Martin Brandlmayr, Werner Dafeldecker and Michael Moser, a piece written especially for the ensemble by Peter Ablinger and with the guest musicians Andrea Neumann, Magda Mayas and John Butcher, with whom it has partly worked together for many years.

All of the pieces can also be heard on the current Polwechsel release Embrace (Ni Vu Ni Connu, 4LP box 2023).


Polwechsel & Gäste

    Burkhard Beins »Obsidian« 11 min 2020
    Polwechsel & Andrea Neumann »Magnetron« 25 min 2023
    Peter Ablinger »Orakelstücke« 20 min 2022
    Werner Dafeldecker »Jupiter Storm« 18 min 2022
  • Burkhard Beins (DE) | Perkussion
  • Martin Brandlmayr (AT) | Perkussion
  • Werner Dafeldecker (AT/DE) | Kontrabass
  • Michael Moser (AT) | Cello
  • John Butcher (GB) | Saxofone
  • Magda Mayas (DE) | Klavier
  • Andrea Neumann (DE) | inside piano


  • Sat, 09.12.2023, 20:00 - 22:30
  • Break: 20 min
  • 15/12/6 €
  • Contact ticket pre-order: https://exploratorium-berlin.de/veranstaltung/improvisation-konzert-30-jahre-polwechsel-2/

Contact and funding

Sponsored by inm - initiative neue musik berlin e.V.