• Klangkunst / Sound Art
  • Installation / Ausstellung


Fri, 18.08.2023, 17:00 - Sun, 03.09.2023, 20:00 | Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg

Event flyer
© van Hasselt / Wiese

Over the course of two years, the Berlin-based artist group FrauVonDa// under the artistic direction of Claudia van Hasselt and Nicolas Wiese, have been dealing with the self-image of our humanity stylized as the »crown of creation«. Artistically they explored possible political structures and artistic perspectives that allow them to marvel at the diversity of senses and perception and cultivate them. Out of enthusiasm they sensitize for the environments of all living beings (J.J. von Uexküll, 1864-1944 ), human and non human, for the not told, for the not seen. In their researches under water they orientate themselves on the autonomous life forms of the algae, the plankton, the sensory perceptions of the sturgeon, the shoals of herring and the symbiotic life forms of the bladderwrack. Aware of an immense biodiversity, they look at the colonization of the oceans by man and its consequences. They are looking for a direct sensual access to the interpersonal and to the interhuman and non-human unknown - out of loving »response-ability«. The hypothetical, yet scientifically researched, narrative of the senses moves between reality and fiction - between human accessible experiences and the unknown, between man and his environments (J.J.Üxkuell) and the environments of animals, plants, waters. It is the attempt at the limits of our senses to take the perspectives of those who are not heard and cannot be seen.
In the exhibition THE BALTIC MULTIVERSE we open uppossible spaces of diverse perception.
With our ears, eyes and the lateral guidance organ we begin to overwriting encodings and promoting equal rights for the environments of all.

THE BALTIC MULTIVERSE is part of the project THE Å//A UNIVERSE - HIDDEN SONGLINES OF THE BALTIC SEA, which will take place in the summer of 2023 in various locations in the form of exhibitions, concerts, discursive conversations, public audio walks and workshops.



  • Nicolas Wiese | Konzeption Installation//Field recordings//audiovisuelle Kunst/ Grafik
  • Casper Lindroos | Sound Artist
  • Claudia van Hasselt | Konzeption Installation/ Field Recordings/ Dramaturgie/ Vibration Score/ Klanginstallation
  • Johan Karrento | Dokumentarfilmer/ Field Recordings/ Dramaturgie Video
  • Michaela Vieser & Isaac Yuen | Nature Writing/ Libretto
  • Ferdinand Breil | Sound Artist/ Sound Stationen/ Klangbearbeitung
  • Neo Huelcker* | Sprecher
  • Tony Cederberg (biologisk station Husö), Karina Carlsson (Schrifstellerin Åland) | Interviewpartner*in
  • Roman Schöne | Gestaltung Objekt


  • Fri, 18.08.2023, 17:00 - Sun, 03.09.2023, 20:00
  • Break:
  • The exhibition is open during regular opening hours as part of the TIME TO LISTEN festival.

Contact and funding

Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Kurverwaltung Ahrenshoop, Finnland Institut in Deutschland, Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop, Künstlerhaus Lukas, Aue Stiftung