itinerant interludes

itinerant interludes
©Galerie Aanant & Zoo [Michael Müller]

itinerant interludes presents pop-up performances by outstanding musicians in select galleries and institutions of art throughout Berlin. Programs range from the contemporary avant-garde to improvisation, from the acoustic to the electronic, and are curated in collaboration with respective galleries, artists and musicians. The series aims to provide a point of intersection and, ultimately, to stimulate a more vibrant dialogue between audiences of the visual and aural arts.

The project is curated by Laurie Schwartz with support from the initiative neue musik berlin e.V.

Further information on the website of itinerant interludes.

  • Freie Szene
  • itinerant interludes

For further reading

Zionskirche_zeitgenössische Musik Berlin


The historic church is located on the central Zionskirchplatz in Berlin-Mitte, on what was formerly the highest hill of Berlin, surrounded by an inviting park.

Zafraan Ensemble Berlin

Zafraan Ensemble

Zafraan stands for music that reflects today’s life, today’s society, today’s reality in all its facets.

Grafik Untergrün_zeitgenössische Musik Berlin


Untergrün is a series of concerts showcasing performance-based sonic art in all its forms.

Unerhörte Musik

Unerhörte Musik

Unerhörte Musik (Music Unheard-of) offers every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. at the easy-going BKA Theatre concerts of late twentieth and 21st century chamber music performed by professional soloists and ensembles.



The Uferstudios for contemporary dance are a landmarked area in Berlin-Wedding that currently brings together a total of six partners from Berlin's independent dance scene.