
Here you can find an overview of all ensembles, collectives, artists, associations and other players in the contemporary music scene in Berlin.


Grafik Untergrün_zeitgenössische Musik Berlin


Untergrün is a series of concerts showcasing performance-based sonic art in all its forms.


Ensemble KNM Berlin

Since its foundation in 1988, the ensemble has presented programmes across the world that reflect a curiosity to explore the unknown and the willingness to confront the most pressing themes of our times.

Die Musiker*innen Gamut Inc_zeitgenössische Musik

gamut inc

The interdisciplinary ensemble around computer musician, graphic designer and composer Marion Wörle and composer and guitarist Maciej Śledziecki is dedicated to innovative music theatre and machine music. The thematic focus of their work is on a critical approach to technology.

Kultur Büro Elisabeth

Kultur Büro Elisabeth

Kultur Büro Elisabeth organizes and coordinates a wide variety of cultural events in the Villa Elisabeth, St. Elisabeth Church and other buildings of the Protestant parish on the Weinberg in Berlin-Mitte and ensures the preservation of these buildings.

Eine Klangperformance mit einer Person draussen im Hof der Akademie der Künste, die Person trägt Badeanzug und eine Maske und spielt ein Instrument

Monat der zeitgenössischen Musik

Der »Monat der zeitgenössischen Musik« präsentiert jedes Jahr im September den einzigartigen Reichtum der zeitgenössischen Musikszene Berlins.

PierreBoulez Saal_freie Szene Belrin

Pierre Boulez Saal

The Pierre Boulez Saal opened on March 4, 2017 with a concert conducted by Daniel Barenboim. Designed by Frank Gehry, the hall has a unique architectural profile, with its elliptical shape inviting audience and artists to become one community—there is no separation here between stage and a...