The Grants Program

Allianz Foundation

1 January, 2050

Schriftzug der Allianz Foundation
©Allianz Foundation

The application deadline for projects starting from August 2024 will be early 2024. Further information can be found here from the fall of 2023.

The Grants Program

Enabling better living conditions for the next generations: this is our mission. The Allianz Foundation works with European partners who are committed to social justice, open societies, and maintaining a livable planet.

We support initiatives with civil society, ecological, cultural and artistic backgrounds. We place a special emphasis on projects working at the intersection of these areas and pursuing systematic change. We are active in all of Europe and the Mediterranean. The Allianz Foundation Board of Trustees decides on the allocation of funds, based on the recommendation of an expert jury.

Our goal is the transformation towards equitable, resilient societies and a climate-neutral future. To this end, we support projects in the range of €80,000 – 150,000 per year for a period of up to two years. In addition to the financial support, we also work together with our partners on a conceptional level: we accompany them throughout the duration of the entire project, communicate together on the project developments and network in order to learn from each other.

What we fund.

We support non-profit partners and organizations in Europe who:

  • pursue a trans-local, interdisciplinary and impact-oriented approach
  • have a high conceptual, content and, if applicable, artistic standard 
  • enable sustainable networking of the actors and institutions involved
  • address and actively shape fair participation, intersectionality and inclusion 
  • work participatively and equally with cooperation partners and target groups and avoid power imbalances
  • empower young actors, young people and not predominantly established actors
  • use natural resources in an economic way and pursue sustainable formats and strategies
  • convince with bold ideas and surprising formats

Further informationen on the Allianz Foundation website.


  • Allianz Foundation
  • Förderung

For further reading

Marta Stankevica, CC BY 4.0 Woman_Writing_a_Letter

Guides | How do I write a funding application?

This guide on writing applications encourages you to view the process less as a necessary evil (which it undoubtedly is) and more as a way of refining your project's concept.

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Schriftzug der Allianz Foundation

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Schriftzug der Allianz Foundation

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