IMPACT-Funding 2024

Senate Department for Culture and Europe

1 January, 2024

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Purpose of Funding

The aim of the programme is to support diversity in the Berlin cultural industry, especially in the free art scene. The IMPACT-funding therefore addresses artists and groups of all artistic disciplines whose artistic perspectives are currently not sufficiently presented to the public. The visibility of those perspectives shall be strengthened and their development enabled. As a matter of principle, funding for CD productions and printing subsidies is excluded. Also excluded are pure workshop formats, internal club anniversaries, benefit events, festivals and celebrations of any kind (e.g. Christmas parties, award ceremonies, etc.) as well as profit-oriented, commercially feasible projects.

Amount of Funding

A total amount of 400,000 € is available for the programme in 2024.

Call for applications

IMPACT funding was first announced at the beginning of 2020 for projects in 2020. Thereafter, starting in the summer of 2020, calls for proposals will be issued for the following year, usually in July/August of each year.
The call for project funding in 2024 will begin at the end of July 2023, and the call deadline is Sept. 28, 2023.

Application procedure

Please refer to the current version of the programme flyer for detailed information on submitting an application.
PLEASE NOTE: The model finance plan has to be used. The form can be downloaded on our website („model finance plan“).

Deadline for submission/application

September 28, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

Submissions will not be accepted after 6:00 p.m., and transfers that have begun will be automatically cancelled.

Notes on the exclusion of the funding program

Exceeding the specified maximum number of pages, characters and/or megabytes will result in formal exclusion from the funding program. Incorrectly or incompletely uploaded identification, passport and/or registration documents will lead to a formal exclusion from the funding program. When submitting your application, please make absolutely sure that you upload all correct and necessary documents in a legible manner!

Further information on the Senate Department for Culture and Europe website

  • Berlin
  • Förderung

For further reading

Marta Stankevica, CC BY 4.0 Woman_Writing_a_Letter

Guides | How do I write a funding application?

This guide on writing applications encourages you to view the process less as a necessary evil (which it undoubtedly is) and more as a way of refining your project's concept.

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